Workshop - 10am-4.30pm
Sun 24th March, Melbourne | Date TBC Sydney
2018 was a year of great challenge for many people. So much is happening in our individual lives and in our world, it can seem almost impossible to get clear about what it is we're meant to be doing... which way we're meant to go... and what steps we're meant to take for us to get us there!
How do you know if you're following the right signs? If you're meant to listen to everyone else's opinions and advice? Or if you're following your own misguided imagination and you're not on track?
How can we learn to navigate life in such a way that we can discern what's really true for our Self? So we can feel confident about the steps we take that they will lead us along the path that is actually right for our SELF?
Be Your Own Inner Guide. . .
We each have within us an inner well of immense wisdom, guidance and direction. The key is to learn how to tap into it to navigate our way through life with the confidence we need to be able to move forward in the knowing that we are aligned with our Soul’s journey and heading where we are meant to go.
Join us in this one day workshop to Learn How To Navigate Your Future Path, Always. Learn how to navigate your future path without having to rely on others to tell you where you should go or what you should do. Develop a strong inner confidence and knowing that you can navigate your way through life with trust that all is well and you are on the track that is right for you.
When you learn how to navigate life's changes and challenges in this way, life becomes filled with an inner guidance that makes the journey so much easier and more fun.
What You Will Learn at the Workshop:
In this workshop we will explore how you can develop the tools to be able to divine your future path, no matter what the situation, the difficulty, or the challenges in life so you can step forward with confidence and trust that you are on the right path. Learn how to develop your inner compass to be able to navigate your way on your future path with greater ease and joy in the knowing that all is unfolding for you exactly as it is meant to be.
If you are tired of listening to everyone else… if you would like to be able to find your way to your truth and higher wisdom without having to pay others to do it for you… if you would like to be able to develop a strong inherent trust in your inner guidance system to enable you to have full and total confidence in your self and the path you choose to travel upon, join us at this workshop to Learn How To Divine Your Future Path, Always.
Workshop Details:
When: 10am - 4pm Sunday 24th March 2019
Location: Collingwood Library, street parking available and short walk from train station.
When: 10am - 4pm Sunday 21st April
Location: TBC
What To Bring
Snacks will be provided, however please bring your own lunch (we will have a lunch break).
Bring a journal book, pens, coloured pencils if you have them, a water bottle, and any other clothing you may require (air conditioning/heating can sometimes be unpredictable so please dress with layers for comfort).
The workshop will commence at 10am. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to start to allow time to register and get settled.
I look forward to seeing you there and to creating a wonder-filled day together!!!