Are You Ready to Take The NEXT STEP?
Congratulations! You've completed the STRONGERWITHIN Program! As you focus forward, the most powerful question to now ask yourself is:
What am I going to do with the shifts I have made?
How can I anchor them in ways that enable me to RISE UP not only within my inner SELF but within my outer LIFE EXPERIENCE?
Given we still operate in a world driven by the mass consciousness and its Inadequacy Myths, what is needed for me to anchor and ground my new found higher truths within my everyday life to ensure the old energies don't creep back in?
The answer is: KEEP GOING!
Keep moving forward in practical, grounded, impactful ways to create revolutionary changes that will enable you to really RISEUP IN YOUR LIFE.
Go within and ask your inner self:
What is the REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE I am now seeking?
In what ways would I now LOVE TO RISEUP...
Within my SELF?
Within my LIFE?
Within the things that MATTER MOST TO ME?
How Would YOU Love To RISE UP?
Maybe you'd love to:
STRENGTHEN YOUR SENSE OF SELF EVEN MORE - to rise up in your personal power? Your intuitive abilities? Your relationship with your body? Or the ways in which you and the people around you tend to see you?
EXPERIENCE GREATER HEALTH - to rise up in your wellbeing? Your financial health? The health of your internal relationship within your self? The health of your external relationships with your family, friends, colleagues, loved ones?
TAKE YOUR NEXT WORK/CAREER/BUSINESS STEP - to rise up and step into a new role? Start a business? Expand an existing one? Contribute in a different way? Share your true authentic individual self in ways that reflect a greater valuing and appreciation for the contribution you make?
PURSUE YOUR PASSION PROJECT - to rise up in your inner calling, even if you're not sure exactly what that is or you haven't dreamed of the possibilities yet? Start a new community project? Be of service in the world?
IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - to rise up to experience more loving relationships with an intimate partner? Expanded social network? Like-hearted friends to travel the journey with?
ALIGN WITH GREATER ABUNDANCE - to change your relationship with money and rise up financially? To move beyond struggle and operate at a higher vibrational level to become more abundant in the ways that matter to you most?
Whatever it is YOU'd love to experience, shift, change, or create, the RISINGUP 3 MONTH PROGRAM FOR INNER & OUTER LIFE REVOLUTION is your opportunity to do so with support, assistance and empowerment every step of the way.
What's Involved?
Think of RISINGUP as your 3 month personalised coaching program to enable you to anchor the changes you've already made to assist you to rise up on all levels and experience both inner-life alchemy and outer-life transformation.
Your program includes:
1 - Fortnightly 90 minute LIVE Group Zoom calls - Each fortnight we will come together for a Group call over a period of 3 months. Calls will be focused on the specific areas of self and/or life you would love to rise up in and revolutionise. After each session you'll also receive a recording of the call and a copy of all program notes.
2 - New Exclusive Facebook Group - As part of the program a new Private Facebook Group will be created exclusively for those who wish to continue the journey, so you can have ongoing access to ask questions of Juliet and be part of a more intimate community to help uplift and support each other week by week to stand in the full magnificence of the Divine Beings we all are
3 - Continued Learning - During the 3 months you'll receive plenty of additional tools and processes to help you continue to raise your vibrational frequency for revolutionary change
4 - Weekly Accountability Check-Ins - Each week we will create an accountability step to ensure you continue moving forward and strengthen your sense of self every step of the way
5 - Working Within A Stronger Group Energy - This program is being offered exclusively to those within the August 2020 STRONGERWITHIN intake, and will build upon the current group energy to provide you with an even stronger foundation upon which to RISEUP, beyond what we can achieve on our own
As this is a brand new program, RISINGUP is being offered at the SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RATE of just $595AUD for the OCTOBER 2020 intake. read that correctly. Given many people are experiencing financial hardship at the moment, the price has been kept to an absolute minimum to ensure everyone can continue the journey regardless of circumstances.
For less than the price of 2 coaching sessions with Juliet you get 3 months ongoing access to continue building upon everything you've already created in having completed the STRONGERWITHIN program... and at a fraction of the cost of other coaching programs.
Not Sure if RISING UP is For YOU?
If you feel you gained value from the STRONGERWITHIN program and you don't want it to go to waste, know that RISINGUP is definitely for YOU!
Why? Because this 3 month program will build on everything you've learned. It will anchor the energy shifts you have already created. And it will strengthen your sense of self in ways you won't look back.
It's a game changer. It's YOUR game changer. And if you're ready to change your life in ways that you can look back upon as being a revolutionary change, this 3 month program is IT!
I could ramble on and on about all the benefits you will gain and how cost effective this program is... but ultimately you know what I'm going to say, right:
Close your eyes... be in your heart... and notice how the energy feels for you.
If it feels right, click on the button below and let me know you're interested! (And yes payment plans are available... so don't let the money piece hold you back... because we'll be working on that as part of the program anyway! So it's a double bonus, right!?!)
When Do We Start?
This invitation is being offered for 1 WEEK and 1 WEEK ONLY!
Basically, either you'd love to continue with the momentum you've already created, or you're not fussed. Either way it's great.
If by Wednesday 14th October there's enough people excited about continuing the journey together to truly RISEUP and create INNER & OUTER REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE we'll figure out what days/times work best for everyone and get started straight away. Like making bread... when the energy is rising you want to keep going and not let it drop!
And if you're worried the group times might not work for you... don't worry, we'll find a way. That's what being in a wonderfully supportive group does!
At this stage all you need do is let me know you're interested and we'll go from there.
If you've loved being part of the group energy and you're as excited as I am to continue the journey, simply click on the button below to let me know you're interested, drop me an email at: or send me a text message to +61(0)413199649 and I'll get back to you to find out your preferred days and times.
I hope to see you soon so we can continue RISINGUP TOGETHER!
In the meantime, BIG LOVE, and you guys ROCK!!!